Thursday, December 9, 2010

Final Class Period!

Really appreciate the thought that we can always contact Dr. Boyer, even in the future when we have our own classrooms.

3 Ways I will integrate technology into Ella's Class:
  • This is a third grade classroom and I will integrate technology in many ways. I will create a wiki that will allow me to post pictures, homework assignments, class discussions. This will allow the students to have access to what happened in the classroom after they leave and also allow the parents to see on a regular basis what their child is doign during the school day.
  • Secondly,  I will have a SMART Board, I think allowing the students to be up and active in the lesson allows for a funner learning environment and the kids want to come to class more because of it I think. You can use one of these tools with any lesson.
  • Finally, I will have my students have "penpals" from across the world. I think it would be a good experience for them to see how other students learn, and be able to become global without actually leaving their classroom.
I appreciated how Dr. Boyer allowed us to ask questions at the end of the class period about anything we had thoughts or concerns about.
I wish we didn't have to have lecture for this class, I don't feel like it is necessary.
I don't understand why they are changing the way portfolio is done, we finally just learned how to use Dreamweaver and now their changing it.
My attitude towards technology has changed over the course of this semester a lot. Before this class I had never put any thought into encoorporating technology into my classroom and now there are so many options I don't know if I can use them all! I throughly enjoyed this class, as it was a lot of work but I think that it was well worth everything! I was able to learn about things that I may never have before such as scratch. I really do think I will use this in my future classroom along with many other options I learned about from this course!

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