was my cool tool. Once I finally sat down and checked out the website, played around on it for a bit I thought it was a sweet tool. I wish I would have been on top of my work because I totaly could have used it for my presentation in 381 but thats besides the point. Anyways, it took me awhile to actually record because I kept having to redo it. I would stumble on my words, or have dead air for way too long, etc. it was pretty bad. But once I got it and recorded it for the fifth time I had a good idea of what I was supposed to say. When I listened to the final recording, I still noticed some errors but I don't think they were too large that it was in need of being recorded again. I really liked the tool that I chose as well, it was fun.
Creating this screencast initially I was nervous, I think thats why I procrastinated but again thats besides the point. I was nervous because I had no idea what I was doing, I had never done one before, and then I had also never used the cool tool before, it was ALL new. But after I actually did it I realized "wow that was easy" and also it was a great way for me to learn how to use something new. I think if I work with older grades such as 4 or 5th graders, I would definitly incoorporate a screencast lesson into my agenda. I think they would enjoy being able to learn something new and they can do it by creating a screencast. I like it a lot.
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