Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Rethinking Education

I was very intrigued by the preface and chapter 1, it made a lot of good points but also made me think.
I agree that technology should be incoorporated into classrooms because that is the day and age that we live in and that children now a days are growing up in. But at the same time if when children go home they sit behing a computer screen and or television with their cellphones in one hand and ipod in the other and then they go to school have the same thing going on, are we not allowing our future children to become anti social? They don't know how to talk face to face with people because they either text or chat or online gaming, etc. Also, we have a high obesity rate in children already how do we encoorporate physical excersise into classrooms more, we know their not getting it at home because of all the technology. I think that we are losing the basic fundamentals of learning. Like I said previously I agree that technology needs to be in classrooms but we also need to remember the fundamentals like writing, and talking, and being active as well.
As far as in the future what I plan to do, I will definitely incoorporate technology into my classroom, i really like the idea of podcasts, and I actually didn't know that you can get podcasts for educational use, so that was something new I learned. I don't think I will use cell phones because I feel that is more distracting, unless I did a text message scavanger hunt or something like that. To be honest I really don't know specifics yet because the idea of using technology like podcasts, etc. never occured to me. So as I the semester goes on I look forward to learning new ways of incoorporating technology into my classroom.
I look forward to reading this book to see what kinds of ideas they have for incoorporating technology into classrooms and maybe some of my worries will be answered as well.

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